This is an example that I created to open a file, manipulate the text and output to the file.
$path_in = “C:testinput.txt”
$path_out = “C:testoutput.txt”
$endMessage = “=============== END ==============”
$reader = [System.IO.File]::OpenText($path_in)
$get_time_message = “program executed on ” + [datetime]::now.ToString(‘yyyy-MM-dd / HH:mm:ss’)
try {
add-content $path_out $get_time_message
add-content $path_out “to unix: “
$long_string_to_excel =””
$line = $reader.ReadLine()
if ($line -eq $null) { break }
# divide the input line into array – remove white space
# it is hard coded here below for the lines that consist two and three space characters
$better_line = $line.replace(‘ ‘,’ ‘)
$best_line = $better_line.replace(‘ ‘,’ ‘).split(‘ ‘)
$stringToOutput = “rm -fr ” + $best_line[8]
$long_string_to_excel = $long_string_to_excel + $best_line[8] + “`r`n”
add-content $path_out $stringToOutput
add-content $path_out “`n”
add-content $path_out “to excel log: ”
add-content $path_out $long_string_to_excel
add-content $path_out $endMessage
finally {
write-host “program execution:`ncompleted”