— kill process when someone forgets to close Adobe file that you may need to edit:
taskkill /f /s PCNAME_HOSTNAME /FI “IMAGENAME eq Adobe*”
taskkill /s <net_name> /PID 1234 /f
–show details when PC was for example rebooted last time:
systeminfo /s PCNAME_HOSTNAME
–opened ports
netstat -an | findstr 8016
–starting IIS from command line
— how to check when my password expires
net user /domain username(AD)
–list of windows updates
wmic qfe list
wmic /node:’computer name‘ qfe GET description, hotfixid, installedby, installedon,servicepackineffect > Computer.txt
— Powershell – get process name/details based on description value:
PS X:\Pablo> Get-Process | where {$_.description -match ‘Cisco’}